Weight Loss Medication Covered by Blue Cross Blue Shield | 2024

Weight loss can be difficult; often, more is needed through diet and exercise alone. Weight loss medications can play an essential role in helping individuals shed those extra pounds. Blue Cross Blue Shield members may wonder whether their insurance covers such products. This comprehensive guide will explore the various aspects of weight loss medication covered by Blue Cross Blue Shield.

Blue Cross Blue Shield is an esteemed health insurance provider in the US that covers millions of individuals nationwide. Their policies offer coverage for weight loss medications – and you should bear in mind that coverage varies based on your specific plan or policy before seeking this form of coverage with Blue Cross Blue Shield.

Weight Loss Medication Covered by Blue Cross Blue Shield

Blue Cross Blue Shield typically covers an array of FDA-approved weight loss medications to assist those whose body mass index (BMI) exceeds certain thresholds to meet their weight loss goals. Commonly covered weight loss medicines include:


Phentermine is an appetite suppressant medication that increases brain chemicals that control appetite. They are usually prescribed short-term alongside a reduced-calorie diet and exercise plans.


Orlistat blocks some of the fat you consume, decreasing how many calories your body absorbs. It is typically prescribed to individuals with BMIs exceeding 30 and related health conditions, specifically those weighing 27+ who also surpass this BMI threshold.


Liraglutide is an injectable medication designed to mimic the actions of the GLP-1 hormone in your body to control appetite and blood sugar. Commonly prescribed to individuals with BMIs of 30 or above or suffering from weight-related health conditions who need weight management help, Liraglutide can quickly produce results while simultaneously alleviating stress for effective weight control. Read more about a similar product called semaglutide (ozempic) used for weight loss by clicking here.

weight loss medication covered by blue cross blue shield

How to Determine Eligibility for Weight Loss Medication Coverage

Begin by reviewing your insurance plan to ascertain if Blue Cross Blue Shield offers weight loss medication coverage, paying particular attention to sections outlining prescription drug coverage such as weight loss medications, if any exist; check any criteria or requirements necessary to become eligible and submit any documentation proving this eligibility.

Blue Cross Blue Shield typically covers individuals who qualify for weight loss medication coverage by meeting certain BMI or health criteria, with typical criteria including having a BMI over 30 or 27 with conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes or sleep apnea.

Blue Cross Blue Shield’s eligibility requirements must be fulfilled, and to obtain weight loss medication through Blue Cross Blue Shield, it must first be prescribed by a healthcare provider.

Steps to get weight loss medication covered by Blue Cross Blue Shield

Steps for Coverage by Blue Cross Blue Shield Accessing weight loss medication through Blue Cross Blue Shield requires multiple steps; however, proper planning and understanding of your insurance plan should make this an effortless experience. Here are the steps to follow.

  • Review Your Insurance Plan: When reviewing your health insurance plan to ascertain coverage of weight loss medication, carefully read it to identify any requirements or criteria that must be fulfilled.
  • Consult Your Healthcare Provider: Make an appointment with your healthcare provider to discuss your weight loss goals and potential medications that could assist you. They will assess if a prescription is appropriate and provide it if required.
  • Obtain paperwork: Reach out to your Blue Cross Blue Shield provider to obtain all the paperwork required for weight loss medication coverage, which may involve filling out forms, providing supporting documents and submitting your prescription.
  • Submit Forms: Once complete, submit your paperwork to your Blue Cross Blue Shield provider, ensuring all required documents are included to avoid delays or rejection.
  • Wait for Approval: Submitting paperwork to Blue Cross Blue Shield may take time; patience is crucial. Once your weight loss medication has been approved, you can collect it at any participating pharmacy under Blue Cross Blue Shield coverage.

By following these steps, you can effortlessly and efficiently obtain weight loss medications covered by Blue Cross Blue Shield.

weight loss medication covered by blue cross blue shield

Maximise your Coverage

Here are a few helpful guidelines to maximise your coverage.

  • Research Weight Loss Medication Covered by Blue Cross Blue Shield: Before visiting your healthcare provider, research which weight loss medications Blue Cross Blue Shield covers. This will enable an informed discussion with them and increase the chances that affordable medicines will be prescribed to you.
  • Prioritise Lifestyle Changes: Weight loss medications should complement an active, nutritious lifestyle, including balanced nutrition and regular physical activity. By prioritising lifestyle changes, you can maximise the effectiveness of weight loss drugs for lasting weight loss.
  • Stay Current on Your Coverage: Blue Cross Blue Shield may alter its coverage policies at times, so stay informed of any alterations or updates so your weight loss medication continues to be covered.
  • Utilise Support Programs: Blue Cross Blue Shield offers various support programs and resources designed to assist individuals in losing weight successfully; take advantage of them and increase your success rates on this journey!

With these tips, you can utilise your Blue Cross Blue Shield coverage for weight loss medications to maximise their use and enhance your weight loss odds.

Alternatives to Weight Loss Medication Covered by Blue Cross Blue Shield

If your Blue Cross Blue Shield plan does not cover weight loss medication or you do not meet its eligibility requirements, other solutions may help facilitate your weight loss journey. Here are a few to consider:

  • Diet and Lifestyle Changes: Making adjustments to your diet and lifestyle can have a dramatic effect on weight loss. Speak with a registered dietitian or healthcare provider about developing a customised plan to meet your needs and goals.
  • Behavioural therapy is an effective means of helping individuals identify and modify unhealthy eating behaviours through individual therapy sessions or group programs.
  • Bariatric Surgery: Individuals suffering from extreme obesity may consider bariatric surgery as a final resort in their attempt to lose weight by decreasing the size of their stomachs.

Discussing weight loss medication coverage options with your healthcare provider to identify the optimal strategy is critical to reaching weight loss medication covered by Blue Cross Blue Shield.

weight loss medication covered by blue cross blue shield


Q1: Can I get weight loss medication covered by Blue Cross Blue Shield without a prescription?

No, weight loss medication requires a prescription from a healthcare provider to be covered by Blue Cross Blue Shield.

Q2: Will Blue Cross Blue Shield cover all weight loss medications? Blue Cross Blue Shield generally covers FDA-approved weight loss medication; however, coverage may differ depending on your insurance plan.

Q3: To qualify for weight loss medication coverage?

Blue Cross Blue Shield may require individuals who qualify for weight loss medication coverage to meet specific criteria, such as having a certain BMI or weight-related medical conditions.

Q4: How long is the approval process for weight loss medication coverage?

This timeframe varies but typically lasts several days or weeks.

Q5: Can weight loss medication act independently to assist with weight loss? 8.5

Weight loss medication must be part of an overall healthy diet and exercise program; it should not be considered an independent solution to weight loss.


Weight loss medication can be invaluable in reaching an individual’s weight loss goals. You must understand their medical coverage as a Blue Cross Blue Shield member. Blue Cross Blue Shield provides weight loss medication coverage by reviewing your insurance plan, consulting healthcare providers and taking necessary steps. Prioritise lifestyle modifications, remain informed of coverage options and utilise support programs to optimise the success of your weight loss journey. If your plan does not provide for weight loss medication, consider alternative solutions such as lifestyle and dietary modifications or behavioural therapy to meet your weight loss goals. With Blue Cross Blue Shield coverage and alternative approaches as available solutions, you could make significant steps forward toward reaching them.

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