Can Losing Weight Help Plantar Fasciitis? Explore Strategies | 2024

Not only does being overweight hurt your lower body joints, but it also has a significant effect on your feet. In particular, being overweight can make your feet flatten, which puts extra stress on your plantar tissue. This could cause heel fasciitis to last a long time. But the real question is “Can Losing Weight Help Plantar Fasciitis?”

Can Losing Weight Help Plantar Fasciitis?

Yes, with the proper care and support for the fascia, the symptoms of plantar fasciitis can get better and finally go away. The important thing is when and how often you use these treatments. If you want to lose weight, starting early is best because you have a better chance of succeeding. On the other hand, trying to lose weight while having heel pain is a unique task.

Gaining weight and getting worse Plantar Fasciitis

Studies have shown that this condition is almost three times more likely for people with a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or more. People who are overweight and have foot pain may find it hard to lose weight because their efforts can make the pain worse and raise their risk of being disabled due to plantar fasciitis and other foot problems.

How Does Weight Loss Help Plantar Fasciitis?

Imagine carrying an extra 5 to 10 kilograms, some of which build up in your plantar fascia. Having too much fat on the fascia makes it stiff and less bendable, which can lead to plantar fasciitis.

Changing your food and fasting can help you lose weight naturally, which can help keep fat from building up in the plantar fascia. The plantar fascia regains its flexibility as the fat goes away. This successfully lessens or cures the crippling heel pain that is characteristic of plantar fasciitis.

Ways to change your lifestyle to deal with Plantar Fasciitis

How Natural Weight Loss Works

We need to think about the role of spontaneous weight loss in helping people with plantar fasciitis (fasciosis) feel better. Changing your food and fasting on a controlled basis can help you lose weight naturally, which can help keep fat from building up in the plantar fascia. As the fat in the lower leg disappears, the plantar fascia gets more flexible again. This effectively eases or even cures the painful heel, known as plantar fasciitis.

Increase in Activity Over Time

Making long-lasting changes to your lifestyle is more effective than taking drastic steps to lose weight. Set a small goal for yourself, like walking for a few minutes daily. Over time, you can add more time to your workouts. It is essential to go slowly; this will help you succeed and decrease the chance of worsening your heel fasciitis.

Start doing low-impact exercises

Low-impact workouts are a great way to lose weight and keep your feet from getting too sore. Try swimming, water aerobics, yoga, spin riding, or using rowing machines. These moves help you burn calories without putting too much stress on your feet.

can losing weight help plantar fasciitis

Work Out Your Heels and Feet

When you work out, pay attention to your feet. To keep your feet in great shape, you must keep the muscles and tendons in them strong and flexible. Simple foot stretches that work well will help your feet stay healthy.

Being Active with the Right Shoes

Choosing the right shoes and giving your arches and heels enough support can make you feel much more comfortable.

Putting on sneakers that are made to support your feet well and have heel seats or fascia bar inserts can give your feet the support and comfort they need. Make sure to change them often to keep getting help.

can losing weight help plantar fasciitis

Can surgery be used to treat plantar fasciitis?

No matter how bad the foot pain is, surgery should never be the first thing that you do. Start with natural treatments instead, like dieting to lose weight and ease your heel fasciitis.


Will losing weight help with plantar fasciitis? People can get through the problems of weight loss and heel pain if they get the right medicine, exercise, and diet plan. By recognizing this link and doing what is suggested, you can start living a healthier, more energetic, and pain-free life.


Q.1 How much weight loss helps with heel fasciitis?

People with heel fasciitis may need to lose different amounts of weight to feel better. This is based on their bad symptoms, weight, height, body form, and way of life. For specific help, it’s always best to talk to a doctor or nurse.

Q.2 Does being overweight lead to heel fasciitis?

Yes, being overweight can make heel fasciitis more possible.

A 2007 study found that people with a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 25 were 1.7 times more likely to have heel pain that wouldn’t go away. According to another study, people with a BMI of 30 or more were 2.9 times more likely to have Plantar Fasciitis.

Q.3 Will losing weight help with heel fasciitis?

Many people say that losing weight can make their feet feel better. Feet can get hurt if you are overweight. Heel fasciitis and other types of foot pain can happen.

But it’s essential to keep in mind that losing weight might not completely get rid of foot pain, especially if you also have other issues, like arthritis, gout, or problems with the way your foot is built.

Q.4 Can what you eat help with heel fasciitis?

Yes, what you eat does play a significant role in how well you manage heel fasciitis. A diet low in foods that cause inflammation can help ease the pain and stiffness of Plantar Fasciitis. Certain foods, like grass-fed beef, organic full-fat dairy products, extra virgin olive oil, cranberry with apple cider vinegar, garlic, and oily fish and seafood caught in the wild, can help you read.

Q.5 With plantar pain, what is the best way to work out to lose weight?

Gentle exercises like stationary bikes, hand cycles, swimming, rowing machines, and ellipticals can help people with plantar fasciitis. You can also use battle ropes to get in shape by making waves without putting any weight on your feet.

Q.6 How can I avoid getting plantar fasciitis?

Do not do plyometrics, running, burpees, high-impact activities, step aerobics, walking for health, going barefoot, or wearing flip-flops. These activities can damage the arch and make you more likely to get plantar fasciitis.

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